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Freedom in the digital age


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Heads up! Software Freedom Day: Reconnect, Rediscover, Rebuild

Jul 24 2024 Gabriel

Never before has our ability to build complicated systems been such a threat to our very being. Social manipulation, media addiction, and many other problems lead people to want to disconnect entirely, or capitulate in despair. Many of us know better, and want to share a better digital future with others. Bringing that into being requires more than just using the right tools yourself, or having the perfect setup. It is incredibly important our journey to reclaim digital autonomy isn’t taken on alone.

Why Support the Libre Solutions Network?

Jul 19 2024 Gabriel

[Jump to how you can help] As more people’s lives become entirely dependent on technology, the impacts of the systems and tools we use can only become more profound. By naively accepting the assumptions and systems provided by corporations and governments, we allow ourselves to become prey on their hunting grounds. This project was always intended to motivate people to take part in changing the technological landscape from the bottom up.

Noise About Signal

Jul 17 2024 Gabriel

Earlier this month, Signal was embroiled in controversy as a known vulnerability in the desktop client was rediscovered by an iOS developer. Initially, the president of the Signal Foundation decided to state that it didn’t need to be fixed, but after a short period of time, the Signal developers started working on a fix. In short, community engagement saved the day and we can all sleep better knowing that a fair amount of people care about security enough to push for meaningful improvements.


Jun 26 2024 Gabriel

It’s ironic that the more the governments try to close their grip over the minds of the public, the more it begins to slip. From domestic turmoil, rising populist sentiment, and even just economic conditions, people are increasingly feeling a need to have a concrete impact on state policy. Instead of simply leaving it to their managerial handlers, motivated people are working to educate themselves and take action on a wide variety of topics.

The Ugliness of War and Technocracy

Jun 16 2024 Gabriel

For those interested in preserving our nations, free markets, culture, or even basic human rights, we are in an outright harrowing time. Many of these challenges are direct physical assaults like warfare, but there is also a wide variety of abstract dangers. Such as censorship, surveillance, economic warfare, or disaster capitalism. Governments battle against their people for control over policy, and against mega-corporations for control over the public. Families, communities, even entire nations are stuck in the crossfire of larger plans without clear allies to depend on.

Rise of the Cyber Resistance

Jun 10 2024 Gabriel

Confronting The Techno Empire Humanity has a long history of overcoming complicated challenges, even self-inflicted ones. Tyrants desperately want you to believe their control is total, inevitable, and impossible to reverse. This belief is not only a self-defeating illusion, it’s also very easy to dismantle. What’s harder to dismantle is the idea that many modern technologies aren’t inherently evil themselves. For many, various devices and systems are themselves manifestations of the malicious intentions behind our modern digital experience.

What is Digital Autonomy?

May 28 2024 Gabriel

When Big Brother Has All The Cards… It is clear to many that modern digital society includes at best trading away one’s private life in exchange for fleeting novelty and convenience. At worst, we’ve industrialized profiting off people’s self-destructive traits to infantilize humanity mentally, socially, and even spiritually. These troubles have been long in the works, with minor exchanges here and there, but now the situation is dire and escalating.

Understanding Hostile Cyberspace

May 02 2024 Gabriel

To make deliberate decisions to improve one’s own privacy and security, one must make sense of cyberspace itself, and how it can be weaponized. With the benefit of hindsight, it is quite easy to see the traps that were set out for the public. The great news is that there is a phenomenal amount of territory to be reclaimed when people take action. Even a relatively simple shift to offline-first workflows will do wonders to secure control over one’s information.

Is This The End?

Apr 18 2024 Gabriel

Will We Watch The End Of The Free And Open Web? These days, people are quick to attack the web for how it is, or more precisely how they make use of it. It doesn’t take a technical mind to notice that ‘browsing the web’ has felt less like an adventure, and more like being at the console for a nuclear power plant. Day-to-day things are boring, but every once in a while panic rises and simple mistakes can have disastrous consequences.

Lessons from Alt-Tech Failures

Apr 08 2024 Gabriel

Data breaches are a serious problem. We do not live in an environment where it is safe for people’s PII (Personally Identifiable Information) to be widely available. When somebody’s data is leaked or stolen, there can be and have been serious repercussions for that person. It is desperately important that we not only carefully choose the platforms we use, but also that they’ve taken steps to protect their users from risks related to the platform itself.

Tools of the Technocracy: #12 Network States

Mar 12 2024 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #12 Network States The Trap Network states are pitched as a nice-sounding way to improve or sometimes outright replace governments. This is a trap disguised as an opportunity. It would seem that the goal is to diffuse people’s desire for accountability into a variety of schemes for private profit. Tragically, even if these became successful, people are to be left behind. For many, the temptation to eschew all the baggage of existing governments and ‘start fresh’ is very tempting.

The EU Plan to Reshape the Internet Forever

Feb 25 2024 Gabriel

The world wide web is no stranger to government control. The Internet itself was created by the US Military, and governments across the world have subsidized Internet infrastructure in all kinds of ways. Many factors, such as the economies of scale, and sheer workforce size give large organizations an immense advantage when it comes to shaping the future of cyberspace. Just as individuals struggle with troubles relating to digital privacy & security, so do large organizations and governments.

SoundCloud Censors Geopolitics and Empire

Jan 26 2024 Gabriel

So I have been a loyal customer to Germany-based SoundCloud since 2015, where my podcast has been hosted…and now they have finally jumped on the censorship bandwagon…by deleting one of my interviews from a year ago. Are there any censorship-resistant podcast hosting providers left? The censored interview: https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2023/02/14/christie-grace-big-pharma-wants-to-force-biologics-on-us Geopolitics and Empire on Telegram This particular interview being censored is very notable to me. I was dissapointed to see that an episode of Geopolitics and Empire was removed, but when I noticed which specific interview was removed it certainly raised an eyebrow.

New Website: Cyberfreedom.ca

Jan 21 2024 Gabriel

There’s something very powerful about splitting up a huge task into tiny pieces and making it easy for people to work on the particular chunks. In hopes to demonstrate how this is done, cyberfreedom.ca is now launched to demonstrate Operation: Beehive. It is still very much a work in progress, but the seed is planted. A lot of basic questions need to be answered, but there’s lots to come! Operation: BeehiveA model for highly productive decentralized work.

Securing your Data: Backups

Jan 05 2024 Gabriel

Backups can feel like a chore, but they’re actually very empowering. Beyond the peace of mind knowing that you’re much less likely to lose data, you’re also in a better position to make changes. Many tasks, like moving from Windows to a Free and Open Source operating system, are much easier if you’ve already got your own backups. Keeping your data safe can be as simple as making copies and distributing them, all the way up to running your own cloud.

Why The Perfect Messaging App Doesn't Exist

Dec 10 2023 Gabriel

Surveillance of peoples communications is a severe overreach. Especially the act of monitoring people’s sensitive discussions with their most trusted contacts. Large institutions like corporations and governments are wrestling over control of and insight from people’s private chats. This is largely because there are limitations to only data-mining public communications. All the money and effort spent on propaganda and censorship can be for naught if people are still allowed to make their own minds in private.

Papers Please: The Attack on Online Privacy

Nov 18 2023 Gabriel

Leaping at Shadows Calls to end anonymity on social media are not new, but every once in a while they return as tensions rise. These renewed calls will suggest more extreme measures against platforms that allow even mere pseudonymity, much less complete anonymity. These proposals aim to ensure that the cost of communication with others, or even the public will be privacy. The argument presumes that if everyone was forced to have everything recorded in their real name, then interactions online would always be more civil and productive.

The EU Cyberwar on People & the Web

Nov 06 2023 Gabriel

The largest institutions from governments, alliances, and multi-national corporations are all wrestling for control over total digital dominance of the public. Your own access to information, and control over your data are both important objectives to these organizations. This battle over people’s digital lives is not without it’s consequences. There are disastrous possibilities if any group manages to secure surveillance and/or control over everyone’s online communications, transactions, and information. This problem isn’t new.

A Grayjay Review

Nov 02 2023 Gabriel

What is Grayjay? Grayjay is an android app. It’s in early development but already works as an excellent video player. The goal of the app is to allow you to watch videos from creators on many platforms on a single app. This means that it doesn’t matter as much to you if the person is on Youtube, Twitch, or Odysee you can subscribe to them all from a single app, even without an account!

Applied Cyberwar: Hardware Exploits

Oct 19 2023 Gabriel

Recently a rumor that the tragic Hamas attack was enabled by a potential lack of backdoors accessible by western / 5 Eyes intelligence. Despite this, I wouldn’t recommend rushing to order a Huwawei phone for privacy reasons. If my threat model called for investigating hardware attacks, simply changing providers would be insufficient to keep them at bay. Understanding hardware exploits requires a bit of understanding about how systems run, so let’s take advantage of this teachable moment.

Mass Resistance Redirected

Oct 05 2023 Gabriel

As scary as those with the means and motivation to dominate the world are, there’s something immensely more powerful. The people. No matter how powerful you, or even your entire crew are, you still can’t quite stand up to the rest of the world alone. This was my primary motivation to write Tools of the Technocracy, the out-in-the-open desire to power up the tools of mass subjugation is a terrifying prospect.

DIY Cyber Audit

Sep 30 2023 Gabriel

It’s good for people to take their own cybersecurity seriously. It’s a huge topic, and it can be difficult to decide what’s worth starting with, or expending a lot of effort on. This guide is intended to walk you through some of the basic “bare-minimum” steps one would want to take in improving their online security. In addition to pure security goals, this piece aims to emphasize how to reduce your dependency on systems that seize control of your information and workflows.

Conceptualizing Mind-reading Technology

Sep 25 2023 Gabriel

When the War on your Mind Goes Hot From influence, profit, and power there are innumerable reasons why some and institutions would want the ability to manipulate your thoughts. Of course, an efficient tool to learn how to control other’s thoughts is to be able to read them in real-time. When it comes to online platforms a great deal of the mind-manipulation is done indirectly. Ranking algorithms, Censorship, and financial incentives will all radically transform how people individually act as a group, but there will always be more direct forces that can be used.

Signs the 'Dead Internet Theory' is correct

Sep 21 2023 Gabriel

The “Dead Internet” Theory The basic concept of the dead internet theory is that a vast majority of the engagement online is artificial. And/or that every single human being on the Internet isn’t actually connected to everyone else, but merely a chosen subset of people. One of the reasons this idea has gotten so much traction is that it eerily explains much of people’s online experience. While it’s possible that the feeling is just a figment of people’s nostalgia for exploring the web for the first time, there are actual trends and circumstances that support the idea.

Cybergeddon: ISP-level De-platforming

Aug 17 2023 Gabriel

It is important to remember that when it comes to free expression online, no corporation is coming to save you. For far too long, people have placed too much trust in corporate social media. They have certainly abused that trust, but as of recently a far more concerning trend has arisen: parts of the Internet de-platforming itself. ipv6 prefix-list ipv6-prefix-filter-as400304 seq 950 deny 2607:46c0::/32 le 48 Archive It doesn’t look like much, this innocuous text reveals that the Internet isn’t dying… it’s being killed.

Escalating Cyberwar: Warlord Technology

Jul 17 2023 Gabriel

You have been found guilty. No trial was necessary, your device has testified against you. When one navigates corporate controlled cyberspace, the message couldn’t be more clear. Governments and tech giants negotiate the terms of total and utter digital feudalism while the people are herded into systems that are explicitly designed to control them. Even while it’s still possible, opting-out comes at a non-trivial cost. It is a cost that must be paid in one form or another, because refusing to do so has a grave price as well.

Out-thinking the Culture Wars with Gary Sharpe

Jul 14 2023 Gabriel

I really appreciate Gary Sharpe‘s perspective on the emotional side of what people face. He has a wealth of excellent advice and I was pleased to have the opportunity to do this Q&A. Gary Sharpe’s Articles Q & A One of the threads I’m currently following is the Culture Wars, and how the public has been largely divided into a multitude of different ideologies that can often perceive each other as an existential danger.

Tools: the Good and the Bad

Jun 27 2023 Gabriel

If all you have is a hammer, suddenly every single thing starts to look like a nail. Hardly and tool itself is wholly evil or entirely good. Not only are the tools themselves important, how we use them matters quite a bit as well. This applies all the way from the entire software ecosystem, down to the hardware components themselves. The fundamental attributes of the tool will set the incentives for how they can be used, and how they are used creates incentives for how future tools will be made.

A Non-Combattant's Guide to Cyberwar

Jun 16 2023 Gabriel

We live in interesting times. In addition to the many boots-on-the-ground conflicts going on, cyberspace is a theatre of war with hardly any distinction between military and civilian targets. Nothing is off-limits and combatants can be anything from creative individuals to well-funded state level actors like governments and multi-national corporations. There’s no way to be perfectly out-of-the-way. Any significant cluster of data, storage, computing power, or bandwidth can become a strategic resource to be sought after.

Has the technocracy already assimilated you?

May 29 2023 Gabriel

The technocracy is a managerialist top-down system of control with no accountability towards it’s subjects. From the perspective of the system’s owners, the subjects are at best livestock to be harvested and the worst is far too horrible to imagine. Such a cruel and deranged system seems quite alien to most people, despite often living it out in their own daily lives. Regardless of what disagreements divide people, far more are united under subservience to technological tyranny.

Raise your Shield

May 19 2023 Gabriel

It’s a cliche nowadays to point out that society is fractured. The Culture Wars are no longer a side-show for the politically obsessed, instead they are front-and center in the spectacle, aggressively inciting the wider public to participate. Hate your family? Hate your community? Hate your country? Even worse, do you hate yourself? There is no shortage of (often quite valid) reasons to keep you in a prison of rage and despair.

The Protocol Wars are Here

May 08 2023 Gabriel

The Protocol Wars Battle lines are being drawn. The stakes could never be higher, the very future of how we all interact online is in our hands. It was so simple when everyone was silo’d onto a few corporate controlled platforms. Now, there are new platforms that aren’t merely controlled by a single entity, they are interoperable with each other, meaning that each system is composed of compatible units. Will one system entirely dominate the others?

Conceptualizing Information Control

Apr 23 2023 Gabriel

Knowledge is power. Control over knowledge is immense power. This power isn’t merely used to advance sciences and create new technologies, instead it’s often used to take control of other people. Almost everyone these days seems to believe they’re surrounded by brainwashed masses. What if there really is something to that? Who, or what, is actually doing the brainwashing? It is a mistake to assume that someone who is acting differently than you is always making those decisions from incorrect information.

The Coordinated Attack on Cyberspace

Apr 13 2023 Gabriel

For tyrants and dissidents alike, the Covid Crisis was a defining moment in the history of censorship. Top-down information control leapt out of the shadows into an overt campaign of propaganda, suppression and manipulation. One of the defining aspects of the crisis is that it exemplified an arms race between those who want complete top-down control, and those who would dare to seek their own path. Despite the best efforts of Big Tech corporations, governments and NGOs, people who took a stand against creeping totalitarianism were able to meet, organize, and share information.

The Twitter and Substack Divorce

Apr 08 2023 Gabriel

When it comes to Twitter, Substack was on borrowed time. Musk has shown anti-competitive behavior in the past. In response to Substack announcing their notes feature, it appears as though Musk has sanctioned Substack in it’s entirety. I appreciate that Substack has been a valuable platform for many who spoke out during the Covid Crisis. They provide a quick way of starting a newsletter and a valuable feature of allowing cross-pollination between communities through social features.

The best website for a single person

Mar 24 2023 Gabriel

Every single person should have their own website. I don’t just mean that we should all rush out to buy a fancy firstname.com domain. Instead, that it would benefit us all, if more people would take an active role in building the free and open web. As I wrote in Reclaiming Territory in Cyberspace, there are three primary resources in cyberspace: Storage Computing Power Bandwidth We are all lucky, that websites are not at all demanding when it comes to these resources.

The Collapse of the Intangible

Mar 21 2023 Gabriel

I’ve reflected on how the rapid pace of change has warped my perspective relative to those significantly older than me. Becoming curious how upcoming changes and trends will leave me out of step with new experiences. Video: Yayoi Kusama Infinity Mirrors Advanced machine learning models have allowed people to hold a mirror up to the vastness of internet data. This is not just any mirror, but an infinity mirror. This phenomenal infinity mirror transforms a mere slice of the human experience into a kaleidoscope of infinite possibilities.

Tools of the Technocracy: #11 Social Credit

Mar 04 2023 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #11 Social Credit I will remind you of the opening for this series: In the past, tyrants and dictators have had a hard limit on how far they could push people. From either logistical difficulties, fear of resistance, or liberation from other nations; these hard limits have been getting softer and softer as technology advances. Recent history has shown an ever-increasing centralization of power into a smaller and smaller set of control structures.

Backcasting 2030

Feb 07 2023 Gabriel

What is backcasting? Backcasting is when you imagine a scenario for an ideal future and try to trace a path to there from today. Instead of simply being comforted by a future world as we would like it to be, the goal is to identify opportunities to take action immediately. Backcasting is about discovering a blueprint for that better future and investigating how it can be made into reality. I will be using the scenario from the Solari Report:

In defense of anonymity

Jan 08 2023 Gabriel

“If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men. I will find something in them which will hang him” Cardinal Richelieu In a time where so much data about people is being constantly harvested in increasingly invasive ways, there is a lot of material to work with. As I’m sure we have all seen, there innumerable ways in which people’s own beliefs, mistakes or decisions land them in serious trouble.

How a Movement is Destroyed from Within

Dec 29 2022 Gabriel

Collapse is collaborative process Haven’t you noticed how almost everything these days descends into lame in-fighting and petty squabbles? Maybe it’s human nature, it could always have been this way. In the age of near-instantaneous communication it’s all effectively leverage for those who want to derail good causes. We all have to be careful how we empower those who benefit from undending conflict. Rules of engagement Nothing is new under the sun.

Social Media: Learning the right lessons

Dec 11 2022 Gabriel

What went wrong Corporate social media entities aren’t “the public square” and they aren’t a safe way to stay in touch with family and friends. While they may masquerade as such, they are the furthest thing from being either of those. These are information control systems. One of the best things about the #TwitterFiles is that for many people, it’s a window into what those operating these systems see. This is hardly a secret.

The Rise of a SkyNet Workforce

Nov 16 2022 Gabriel

Machine learning is starting to take over the economy the very way the Internet already has. A variety of newly available tools have caused a great deal of controversy in art circles and free software communities.. These advancements in AI-powered tools are effectively game-changers in the domains they disrupt. Hailed by techno-utopians of all stripes, these advancements are huge part of driving the so-called 4th Industrial revolution. If we are not careful, we will run straight into the trap of allowing these tools to be weaponized against everyone.

The False Awakening

Oct 31 2022 Gabriel

The changing of the guard is not the same as defeat of the guard. Twitter is under new management. There is all kinds of excitement and despair over what this means for the future of free speech on that particular information control system. Odds are, we can expect some noticeable changes on what is and is no longer allowed within the new paradigm. This should not be mistaken for an expansion of the people’s right to voice dissent.

Tools of the Technocracy: #10 Central Bank Digital Currencies

Oct 14 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #10 Central Bank Digital Currencies What is money? This is a really humorous video that really gets at the core of this discussion. Money is something we made up. 1x 1.5x 2x 2.5x 3x Source Her tiktok attracted a lot of people lecturing her on inflation, about how raising the money supply devalues the money. What those responses are missing is the key statement in the video.


Oct 12 2022 Gabriel

Today, so many online services confuse the concept of ownership. Ownership is not merely access to a product. Ownership is about rights, for both tangible and intangible property. What options do you have to use, enjoy, or transfer that property? What limits (if any) exist on those options. These rights are entirely dependent on either the rule of law, or on force. If Claus Schwab aims to deprive me of my property and my liberty, he needs to remember I have a gun.

The failure of intelligence

Oct 08 2022 Gabriel

In an ideal world, people would do their best to understand reality and share that understanding with others. Some call this journalism. This kind of journalism has been under attack for quite some time. The very reason that ideal world can’t exist is because being able to understand reality better than others, or to even conceal that reality from others gives one power. That power is sought by all kinds of people in all kinds of situations and it corrupts them.

Principle: Hardware matters

Oct 05 2022 Gabriel

Back to Basics There are innumerable examples of average people being unable to explain how the modern conveniences of their life work. From creating food, energy, and products to what it takes to make them accessible, nearly everyone is quite ignorant about these things. In an age of such rapid transformation it is quite understandable if not predictable. When it comes to technology, almost everything is quite obscured for a person who doesn’t take the time to look.

Programmable currency

Sep 25 2022 Gabriel

With ordinary money like cash or coins, the holder decides what they want to do with it and what needs to be disclosed. Programmable currency is an entirely different situation. In many ways, they aren’t much of a deviation from existing digital currency that can be tracked, blocked and controlled. The differences lie in scale, scope, and application. When someone has their donations seized, or their bank account frozen, there is an action that needs to make that happen.

Redefining "high places"

Sep 21 2022 Libre Solutions Network

The technocracy is a terrifying, horrific and inhuman assault on our very being. People are under assault from all angles: financial, emotional, and intellectual. By keeping people alone and isolated, the technocracy can seem all-but-entirely unopposed. It is quite easy to fall into the trap of envying it’s power, or even wishing to share in the ill-gotten-gains. This trap is what can transform the most fervent freedom fighter into yet another foot-soldier for the machine.

Tools of the Technocracy: #9 Internet Shutdowns

Sep 03 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #9 Internet Shutdowns The free and open web is an idea. It’s the idea that humanity can share a distributed (or entirely decentralized) information repository for free expression and open dialogue. So many great things would be outright impossible without the world’s information superhighway. The threats to a free and open web are legion, governments, corporations, and other malevolent entities are eager to control your access to information.

Digital ID: The basics

Sep 02 2022 Gabriel

101: What is Digital ID? The rise of technocratic control has justifiably motivated people into taking action and resist the foundational tools of the technocracy. Many of these tools are well positioned to leverage any form of digital ID against you. What forms can Digital ID take? A biometric implant? A smartphone app? Your face? A microchip in your passport? Any and all of these can be used in such a system.

Tools of the Technocracy: #8 Transhumanism

Aug 29 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #8 Transhumanism None of the tools of the technocracy are better marketed than the concept of transhumanism. To some it brings to mind techno-utopian ideas like advanced cybernetics and augmented reality, to outright hubris like defeating death. That’s not really where the dark side even begins. It gets ghoulish fast when one realizes the potential impacts to healthcare, propaganda, and human health as we know it.

Tools of the Technocracy: #7 Smart Cities

Aug 18 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #7 Smart Cities What is a smart city? Just like the ‘smart’ in smart devices is really just code for surveillance. A ‘smart’ city is really just a surveillance & control city. In essence, the smart city is the ultimate application of all the tools of the technocracy against it’s captives. Even the tone of their marketing gives off how much disdain they have for human beings.

The road to hell: misplaced optimism in the blockchain space

Aug 04 2022 Gabriel

I didn’t want to believe James Corbett at the time, but he warned us in 2018. The bitcoin psyop outlines the differences between central-bank digital currencies (CBDCs) & public permission-less blockchains. He also rightly outlines how smart contracts themselves could become tools of the technocracy. Tools of the Technocracy #1: Digital CurrencyHow the digital financial complex works against you...and what you can do about it. This article isn’t intended to denounce every blockchain based system.

Is the Internet safe for children?

Jul 23 2022 Gabriel

Nope. Just as playing in traffic isn’t safe for children, all people need to be properly mentally, and emotionally equipped to navigate the chaotic environment of the Internet. Sometimes it’s market forces, other times it’s algorithms, but nearly everywhere there are pitfalls designed to rob people of all ages their time, attention, and resources. Gaming gets a lot of flak for doing this to children, but it’s far from the only place.

Anatomy of a psyop

Jul 17 2022 Gabriel

A shadowy figure appears out of nowhere and tells you: They understand your problems It’s worse than you think They have a really simple solution they just need you to hand over your private information (or large sums of cash) to make all your worries go away The solution doesn’t require any real work on your part It’s a scam. Blatant scam artists and social engineers both heavily rely on affirming your biases.

IoT: The "Eye-on-Thee"

Jul 12 2022 Gabriel

The Internet of things (IoT) is not so much an agenda, but a consequence of cheap, ubiquitous technology. Much of the engineering, investment, and application has gone directly into making devices better at gathering information. This information is then fed to machine learning algorithms to further “optimize” society. This constant data-collection is not benign. There is an agenda to constantly push the boundaries of centralization and control. Most of the opportunities provided by the internet of things are asymmetrically advantageous to the technocracy.

Tools of the Technocracy: #6 Virtual Reality

Apr 30 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #6 Virtual Reality What is reality? Is it what you can touch? What you can feel? What you see? How much do your thoughts and past experiences shape those things? Psyops As of 2020, Most forms of mind control were constructed through incentive structures: Social media algorithms incentivize specific kinds of engagement to maximize people’s reprogramming of each other. Strong financial incentives are used to shape interactions and transform entire sectors of society in various ways.

Tools of the Technocracy: #5 Networks

Apr 27 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #5 Networks Networks are the infrastructure used to bridge the physical world and online systems. They can enable people from all over the world to communicate with each other, which sadly has the downside of technocrats having the capability of monitoring and controlling people’s communications. Networks have precious resources that enable their utility: Latency How quickly can a signal reach it’s destination Range How far can a signal go

Beware the false saviors

Apr 16 2022 Gabriel

There is a great deal of buzz about Elon Musk’s face-off against twitter. While it is impressive to see Elon specifically raise free speech issues against Big Tech, it is unlikely that even radical changes to twitter would actually create meaningful change. Sadly many people allow figureheads to lure themselves into a state of complacency. By buying into the idea of a fantastical leader to rally behind people can fall into the trap of thinking that change is sudden, and requires no work on their part.

Chewtoys: The alchemy of mastering mass anger

Apr 13 2022 Gabriel

The public has a lot of frustrations, especially when you’ve been isolating, poisoning, and stealing from them for many years. Surely this frustration has to go somewhere? Instead of this frustration being used on productive actions to organize, solve problems, or find out how they’ve been bamboozled; Social engineers would love to have a tool that would ensure this energy is entirely diffused pointlessly. John Titus has coined the term “Chewtoy”

Tools of the Technocracy: #4 Online Identity

Mar 22 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #4 Online Identity There are some good reasons to attach your identity to online interactions, there are just as many (if not more) good reasons not to. It is important to understand how your actions ripple across the Internet and wider data-landscape. One of the greatest challenges in keeping your data secure is the fact that the Internet almost never forgets. It’s so difficult to be aware of all the data-points that have built over time.

Information Warfare Super-weapons

Mar 13 2022 Gabriel

Memes Memes are very often under-appreciated due to being simple or not taking themselves seriously. They are powerful tools to bring new insights to discussion. Social engineers target memes due to their incredible impact in spreading ideas. Many of the threats to liberty aren’t always actions of tyrants but rather the apathy or ignorance of the public. If we are to preserve liberty we need to greatly magnify our efforts to promote liberty as a cultural value rather than simply a personal asset The effectiveness of memes comes from their simplicity and the potential to evoke strong emotions.

Tools of the Technocracy: #3 Robots, IoT, Automation, Oh my!

Mar 07 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #3 Robots, IoT, Automation, Oh my! With big data as the brains, robots act as the eyes, ears, and fists of the technocracy. Ubiquitous 5G (and above) connectivity gives autonomous systems a massive advantage over human beings. Understand that there is more to these systems than meets the eye. There is an entire orchestra of coordinated systems and services that harmonize into incredibly powerful tools. These tools are only beginning to be weaponized against the public.

Call to Action: Join the Fediverse now!

Feb 22 2022 Gabriel

The Fediverse is a web of federated social networks. Powered by the ActivityPub protocol, they allow for interoperability between them. Here is a fantastic demo of it in action today Currently there are many federated equivalents to popular sites people use: For YouTube there is PeerTube For Instagram there is Pixelfed For Twitter there is Mastodon, Pleroma and Misskey For Facebook there is Frendica For Podcasts & Music there is Funkwhale For Reddit there is Lemmy Why bother?

Tools of the Technocracy: #2 Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

Feb 16 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #2 Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Big data Big data is an arms race for information and computing power. The more information and computing power an entity has the more power it can leverage against you or over others. Privacy is generally discussed in terms of protecting yourself individually, but more and more it is becoming vital to protect your information to protect everyone. By reducing how much you feed into big data, you prevent that data from being weaponized against others.

Tools of the Technocracy: #1 Digital Currency

Feb 01 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #1 Digital Currency Digital currency is what makes online commerce work so well. The trouble is that as the Internet has invaded our lives, it has given the digital financial complex more and more power. This is the foundation of a “social credit system” that aims to control every aspect of your life. Having the “right” social attitudes or behavior will not be enough to endure this.

Tools of the Technocracy

Jan 08 2022 Gabriel

Our Darkest Hour We are currently in a time like none other in all of human history. In the past, tyrants and dictators have had a hard limit on how far they could push people. From either logistical difficulties, fear of resistance, or liberation from other nations; these hard limits have been getting softer and softer as technology advances. Recent history has shown an ever-increasing centralization of power into a smaller and smaller set of control structures.

The most valuable asset for the coming decade

Jan 04 2022 Gabriel

Trust Over the last decade individuals and institutions have shifted from covertly selling out their trust to overtly abusing that trust. Trust is essential to have in a civilization. So much of our society is built on assumed trust, or worse trust only maintained by illusion. By abusing the trust of their clients, partners, and the general public they are supplanting their own existence and in turn tainting those who rely on them.

Account security best practices

Dec 19 2021 Gabriel

The best way to protect data is not to record it Almost everyone has at least a dozen accounts and it can be quite a disaster if your password gets published in yet another data breach. Passwords aren’t the only information worth stealing and the best way to protect important information is never to collect it. In general, it’s best to avoid making an account with a service if you don’t need to.

Breaking Free

Dec 11 2021 Gabriel

How do you find the perfect app? What can we do when all the major services have been designed to track, manipulate and control us? Should we just turn everything off and run to the woods? Prepare your mind The systems built to manipulate and control us weren’t built in a day. It requires all of us to focus intently on building a human-centric instead of data driven digital experience.

You have a right to remain silent, but your data doesn't!

Dec 03 2021 Gabriel

Where is the data? Data-driven services are ubiquitous. They all feed into machine learning algorithms who’s purpose is to decode the human psyche. E-mail providers scan your e-mails to learn about your interests & online purchases Entertainment services gather all kinds of information about what catches your attention and stimulates specific emotions Every time you spend money financial institutions and retailers are analyzing your explicit and implicit voting with your wallet.

Emancipate your mind from mental slavery

Nov 25 2021 Gabriel

You are not immortal, and you can be fooled from time to time. This is okay, admitting it is much more important than being right all the time. Admitting you are wrong, and can be is the very thing that allows you to escape the prison of lies. In fact, admitting it can do a great deal of good in helping free other people from false illusions. My goals with the Libre Solutions Network are: