
Libre Solutions Network

Freedom in the digital age


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Tools of the Technocracy: #8 Transhumanism

Aug 29 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #8 Transhumanism None of the tools of the technocracy are better marketed than the concept of transhumanism. To some it brings to mind techno-utopian ideas like advanced cybernetics and augmented reality, to outright hubris like defeating death. That’s not really where the dark side even begins. It gets ghoulish fast when one realizes the potential impacts to healthcare, propaganda, and human health as we know it.

Tools of the Technocracy: #6 Virtual Reality

Apr 30 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #6 Virtual Reality What is reality? Is it what you can touch? What you can feel? What you see? How much do your thoughts and past experiences shape those things? Psyops As of 2020, Most forms of mind control were constructed through incentive structures: Social media algorithms incentivize specific kinds of engagement to maximize people’s reprogramming of each other. Strong financial incentives are used to shape interactions and transform entire sectors of society in various ways.