
Libre Solutions Network

Freedom in the digital age


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Rise of the Cyber Resistance

Jun 10 2024 Gabriel

Confronting The Techno Empire Humanity has a long history of overcoming complicated challenges, even self-inflicted ones. Tyrants desperately want you to believe their control is total, inevitable, and impossible to reverse. This belief is not only a self-defeating illusion, it’s also very easy to dismantle. What’s harder to dismantle is the idea that many modern technologies aren’t inherently evil themselves. For many, various devices and systems are themselves manifestations of the malicious intentions behind our modern digital experience.

Tools of the Technocracy: #12 Network States

Mar 12 2024 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #12 Network States The Trap Network states are pitched as a nice-sounding way to improve or sometimes outright replace governments. This is a trap disguised as an opportunity. It would seem that the goal is to diffuse people’s desire for accountability into a variety of schemes for private profit. Tragically, even if these became successful, people are to be left behind. For many, the temptation to eschew all the baggage of existing governments and ‘start fresh’ is very tempting.

Attention Democracy with William Maggos

Mar 06 2024 Gabriel

In a special converation you would have a hard time finding elsewhere, Gabriel joins William Maggos to discuss the fediverse, attention economy, and the Culture War. Taking a sober look at the very foundation of our media and online discussions, William Maggos introduces the concept of attention democracy, where we can have a real impact on culture by choosing platforms that put people in charge of helping spread ideas and culture.

The EU Plan to Reshape the Internet Forever

Feb 25 2024 Gabriel

The world wide web is no stranger to government control. The Internet itself was created by the US Military, and governments across the world have subsidized Internet infrastructure in all kinds of ways. Many factors, such as the economies of scale, and sheer workforce size give large organizations an immense advantage when it comes to shaping the future of cyberspace. Just as individuals struggle with troubles relating to digital privacy & security, so do large organizations and governments.

Operation: Bankroll

Dec 20 2023 Gabriel

Putting Your Money Where Your Needs Are This mindset is applicable to all kinds of problems, but I think is particularly suited to the challenge of helping people reduce their dependency on big tech infrastructure and state manipulation. Taking the time to evaluate your resources, and your requirements, you can put together a plan on how you and/or your friends or community can properly support a better path. Getting others involved can magnify your impact significantly, and better represent a variety of people’s needs and concerns.

Escalating Cyberwar: Warlord Technology

Jul 17 2023 Gabriel

You have been found guilty. No trial was necessary, your device has testified against you. When one navigates corporate controlled cyberspace, the message couldn’t be more clear. Governments and tech giants negotiate the terms of total and utter digital feudalism while the people are herded into systems that are explicitly designed to control them. Even while it’s still possible, opting-out comes at a non-trivial cost. It is a cost that must be paid in one form or another, because refusing to do so has a grave price as well.

Tools: the Good and the Bad

Jun 27 2023 Gabriel

If all you have is a hammer, suddenly every single thing starts to look like a nail. Hardly and tool itself is wholly evil or entirely good. Not only are the tools themselves important, how we use them matters quite a bit as well. This applies all the way from the entire software ecosystem, down to the hardware components themselves. The fundamental attributes of the tool will set the incentives for how they can be used, and how they are used creates incentives for how future tools will be made.

Operation: Beehive

Jun 07 2023 Gabriel

Bottom-up, decentralized, and permissionless strategies are at a premium. With the tools available to us, people from all walks of life are able to cooperate on incredible projects. Instead of relying on a tyrannical pharaoh’s vision for some great project, people can make their own public goods. We don’t need to be bigger or more powerful than large institutions to do incredible things. In many cases, it merely takes some creativity and diligent work.

Raise your Shield

May 19 2023 Gabriel

It’s a cliche nowadays to point out that society is fractured. The Culture Wars are no longer a side-show for the politically obsessed, instead they are front-and center in the spectacle, aggressively inciting the wider public to participate. Hate your family? Hate your community? Hate your country? Even worse, do you hate yourself? There is no shortage of (often quite valid) reasons to keep you in a prison of rage and despair.

RTE Discussions - Encryption

May 08 2023 Gabriel

Watch on Rounding The Earth Follow Rounding The Earth on Substack or locals and RSS

The Protocol Wars are Here

May 08 2023 Gabriel

The Protocol Wars Battle lines are being drawn. The stakes could never be higher, the very future of how we all interact online is in our hands. It was so simple when everyone was silo’d onto a few corporate controlled platforms. Now, there are new platforms that aren’t merely controlled by a single entity, they are interoperable with each other, meaning that each system is composed of compatible units. Will one system entirely dominate the others?

Storing and Protecting Knowledge - Round Table with Mark Kulacz

Apr 18 2023 Gabriel

Mirrored from: https://rumble.com/v2iuqae-storing-and-protecting-knowledge-round-table-w-mark-kulacz-and-gabriel.html Gabriel, Mark Kulacz, Liam Sturgess and Mathew Crawford discuss how to protect knowledge in an age of rampant censorship and manipulation. Show links: Previous Discussion TNT Radio Interview houseatronic.live Let’s Talk America Ep1 The best website for a single person Wayback tool Tiki Toki The Plandemonium Timeline Project Covid-19 Bio-defense Mafia Tracking Links video MetaPrep Education Community Rounding the Earth locals Campfire Wiki Follow Rounding The Earth on Substack or locals and RSS

Rounding The Earth Interview

Mar 28 2023 Gabriel

Rounding The Earth Gabriel of Libre Solutions Network joins Mathew Crawford and Liam Sturgess to introduce the RTE community to an ever-growing world of alternative platforms for social media, communication and more. Watch on Rumble Show notes on Rounding The Earth Follow Rounding The Earth on Substack or locals and RSS

The best website for a single person

Mar 24 2023 Gabriel

Every single person should have their own website. I don’t just mean that we should all rush out to buy a fancy firstname.com domain. Instead, that it would benefit us all, if more people would take an active role in building the free and open web. As I wrote in Reclaiming Territory in Cyberspace, there are three primary resources in cyberspace: Storage Computing Power Bandwidth We are all lucky, that websites are not at all demanding when it comes to these resources.

Operation: Chorus

Feb 19 2023 Gabriel

“omnes voces nostri” “All our voices” Many problems in our time are caused by a severe power imbalance caused by information hazards. Information hazards are created when people and even entire societies operate under false pretenses. We can not rely on any single body or organization to question the foundations of every aspect of society to find errors, instead individuals should be empowered to use their own knowledge, skill, and intuition to learn from the world around them.

Backcasting 2030

Feb 07 2023 Gabriel

What is backcasting? Backcasting is when you imagine a scenario for an ideal future and try to trace a path to there from today. Instead of simply being comforted by a future world as we would like it to be, the goal is to identify opportunities to take action immediately. Backcasting is about discovering a blueprint for that better future and investigating how it can be made into reality. I will be using the scenario from the Solari Report: