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Freedom in the digital age


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SoundCloud Censors Geopolitics and Empire

Jan 26 2024 Gabriel

So I have been a loyal customer to Germany-based SoundCloud since 2015, where my podcast has been hosted…and now they have finally jumped on the censorship bandwagon…by deleting one of my interviews from a year ago. Are there any censorship-resistant podcast hosting providers left? The censored interview: https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2023/02/14/christie-grace-big-pharma-wants-to-force-biologics-on-us Geopolitics and Empire on Telegram This particular interview being censored is very notable to me. I was dissapointed to see that an episode of Geopolitics and Empire was removed, but when I noticed which specific interview was removed it certainly raised an eyebrow.

Why The Perfect Messaging App Doesn't Exist

Dec 10 2023 Gabriel

Surveillance of peoples communications is a severe overreach. Especially the act of monitoring people’s sensitive discussions with their most trusted contacts. Large institutions like corporations and governments are wrestling over control of and insight from people’s private chats. This is largely because there are limitations to only data-mining public communications. All the money and effort spent on propaganda and censorship can be for naught if people are still allowed to make their own minds in private.

Digital Autonomy and Resilient Living

Dec 08 2023 Gabriel

In this feature of Digital Autonomy Discussions Gabriel had a discussion with Rebecca Cunningham who runs Red Flyer Media. She is a Visual Storyteller, Motorcycle Rider, Vagabond, Video Editor, Moto-Journalist, Documentary Filmmaker. We discuss censorship resistance, the rural and urban divide, as well as the many factors of building up one’s own independence. Resources Referenced: Meshtastic New Packet Radio Bear’s Prepper Classroom Playlist Jack Spirko Nicole Sauce More to Come This series is intended to help bring together different voices to explore how technology can help (or hinder) people’s ability to live their lives.

Operation: Shadow

Sep 12 2023 Gabriel

Navigating Hostile Cyberspace Many people are outright victims of virtual imprisonment. Social media addiction is just the surface of a panopticon of data-mining and manipulation. If this wasn’t bad enough, governments and public-private partnerships alike are further working to analyze, contain, and restrict dissent. This asymmetric use of technology enables innumerable abuses and consolidates power in terrifying ways. Almost everyone recognizes that people’s behavior has changed drastically due to online pressures, very few imagine the sum total effects this has on society.

Tools: the Good and the Bad

Jun 27 2023 Gabriel

If all you have is a hammer, suddenly every single thing starts to look like a nail. Hardly and tool itself is wholly evil or entirely good. Not only are the tools themselves important, how we use them matters quite a bit as well. This applies all the way from the entire software ecosystem, down to the hardware components themselves. The fundamental attributes of the tool will set the incentives for how they can be used, and how they are used creates incentives for how future tools will be made.

The best website for a single person

Mar 24 2023 Gabriel

Every single person should have their own website. I don’t just mean that we should all rush out to buy a fancy firstname.com domain. Instead, that it would benefit us all, if more people would take an active role in building the free and open web. As I wrote in Reclaiming Territory in Cyberspace, there are three primary resources in cyberspace: Storage Computing Power Bandwidth We are all lucky, that websites are not at all demanding when it comes to these resources.

Backcasting 2030

Feb 07 2023 Gabriel

What is backcasting? Backcasting is when you imagine a scenario for an ideal future and try to trace a path to there from today. Instead of simply being comforted by a future world as we would like it to be, the goal is to identify opportunities to take action immediately. Backcasting is about discovering a blueprint for that better future and investigating how it can be made into reality. I will be using the scenario from the Solari Report:

Simple Tips: Tracking Links

Aug 23 2022 Gabriel

You can clean your links by removing extra parameters or making sure to only send perma-linked content to people.

Information Warfare Super-weapons

Mar 13 2022 Gabriel

Memes Memes are very often under-appreciated due to being simple or not taking themselves seriously. They are powerful tools to bring new insights to discussion. Social engineers target memes due to their incredible impact in spreading ideas. Many of the threats to liberty aren’t always actions of tyrants but rather the apathy or ignorance of the public. If we are to preserve liberty we need to greatly magnify our efforts to promote liberty as a cultural value rather than simply a personal asset The effectiveness of memes comes from their simplicity and the potential to evoke strong emotions.

Call to Action: Join the Fediverse now!

Feb 22 2022 Gabriel

The Fediverse is a web of federated social networks. Powered by the ActivityPub protocol, they allow for interoperability between them. Here is a fantastic demo of it in action today Currently there are many federated equivalents to popular sites people use: For YouTube there is PeerTube For Instagram there is Pixelfed For Twitter there is Mastodon, Pleroma and Misskey For Facebook there is Frendica For Podcasts & Music there is Funkwhale For Reddit there is Lemmy Why bother?