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Published: Aug 23 2022
Tags: Surveillance Privacy Browsers Censorship Resistance Simple-Tips

Is the Internet safe for children?

Jul 23 2022 Gabriel

Nope. Just as playing in traffic isn’t safe for children, all people need to be properly mentally, and emotionally equipped to navigate the chaotic environment of the Internet. Sometimes it’s market forces, other times it’s algorithms, but nearly everywhere there are pitfalls designed to rob people of all ages their time, attention, and resources. Gaming gets a lot of flak for doing this to children, but it’s far from the only place.

IoT: The "Eye-on-Thee"

Jul 12 2022 Gabriel

The Internet of things (IoT) is not so much an agenda, but a consequence of cheap, ubiquitous technology. Much of the engineering, investment, and application has gone directly into making devices better at gathering information. This information is then fed to machine learning algorithms to further “optimize” society. This constant data-collection is not benign. There is an agenda to constantly push the boundaries of centralization and control. Most of the opportunities provided by the internet of things are asymmetrically advantageous to the technocracy.

Tools of the Technocracy: #7 Smart Cities

Aug 18 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #7 Smart Cities What is a smart city? Just like the ‘smart’ in smart devices is really just code for surveillance. A ‘smart’ city is really just a surveillance & control city. In essence, the smart city is the ultimate application of all the tools of the technocracy against it’s captives. Even the tone of their marketing gives off how much disdain they have for human beings.

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