
Libre Solutions Network

Freedom in the digital age


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Introducing Gitnuro

May 23 2024 Gabriel

Many hands make light work. This is the essence behind the idea of Operation: Beehive which outlines how people can use various software collaboration tools for non-technical uses. Git by it’s nature is an offline-first collaborative tool, this perfectly models what the optimal offline/online balance should be for many activities. To maintain our digital autonomy, it’s crucial to find ways to collaborate without being locked behind cloud platforms or locked-in services.

New Website: Cyberfreedom.ca

Jan 21 2024 Gabriel

There’s something very powerful about splitting up a huge task into tiny pieces and making it easy for people to work on the particular chunks. In hopes to demonstrate how this is done, cyberfreedom.ca is now launched to demonstrate Operation: Beehive. It is still very much a work in progress, but the seed is planted. A lot of basic questions need to be answered, but there’s lots to come! Operation: BeehiveA model for highly productive decentralized work.

Operation: Beehive

Jun 07 2023 Gabriel

Bottom-up, decentralized, and permissionless strategies are at a premium. With the tools available to us, people from all walks of life are able to cooperate on incredible projects. Instead of relying on a tyrannical pharaoh’s vision for some great project, people can make their own public goods. We don’t need to be bigger or more powerful than large institutions to do incredible things. In many cases, it merely takes some creativity and diligent work.

Conceptualizing Information Control

Apr 23 2023 Gabriel

Knowledge is power. Control over knowledge is immense power. This power isn’t merely used to advance sciences and create new technologies, instead it’s often used to take control of other people. Almost everyone these days seems to believe they’re surrounded by brainwashed masses. What if there really is something to that? Who, or what, is actually doing the brainwashing? It is a mistake to assume that someone who is acting differently than you is always making those decisions from incorrect information.