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Freedom in the digital age


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Signs the 'Dead Internet Theory' is correct

Sep 21 2023 Gabriel

The “Dead Internet” Theory The basic concept of the dead internet theory is that a vast majority of the engagement online is artificial. And/or that every single human being on the Internet isn’t actually connected to everyone else, but merely a chosen subset of people. One of the reasons this idea has gotten so much traction is that it eerily explains much of people’s online experience. While it’s possible that the feeling is just a figment of people’s nostalgia for exploring the web for the first time, there are actual trends and circumstances that support the idea.

Cybergeddon: ISP-level De-platforming

Aug 17 2023 Gabriel

It is important to remember that when it comes to free expression online, no corporation is coming to save you. For far too long, people have placed too much trust in corporate social media. They have certainly abused that trust, but as of recently a far more concerning trend has arisen: parts of the Internet de-platforming itself. ipv6 prefix-list ipv6-prefix-filter-as400304 seq 950 deny 2607:46c0::/32 le 48 Archive It doesn’t look like much, this innocuous text reveals that the Internet isn’t dying… it’s being killed.

Tools of the Technocracy: #5 Networks

Apr 27 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #5 Networks Networks are the infrastructure used to bridge the physical world and online systems. They can enable people from all over the world to communicate with each other, which sadly has the downside of technocrats having the capability of monitoring and controlling people’s communications. Networks have precious resources that enable their utility: Latency How quickly can a signal reach it’s destination Range How far can a signal go