I had a great conversation with Michael Ginsburg of Actionable Truth Media discussing how people are manipulated into supporting fake decentralization or fake solutions to pressing technological troubles. If you enjoyed our conversations you can visit his website at actionabletruth.media or on his Substack.

The Musk Operation (X)

We briefly touch on how many people are falling into the cult of personality around Elon Musk, ultimately empowering Musk to have more control over their digital lives. Rallying around false saviors has a high opportunity cost in the best case scenario, and makes one complicit in all manner of concerns the worst case.

Web3 Technocracy

While the Odysee team seems to be making an admirable effort taking action against censorship, there is reason to be concerned with the finer details. When one takes a close look at the “web3” ecosystem, many red flags come into view. Regardless of how one feels about the SEC decision, there are good reasons to take a close look at what new direction Odysee is taking.

Internet Shutdowns

Michael raised the concern around Internet shutdowns. In whole or in part, internet shutdowns are a recurring phenomenon as governments seize control during times of unrest. World-wide accessible communication is a vitally important objective for those who care about a free and open Internet. In our conversation Michael explores how an internet shutdown could be used to manufacture consent for various policies such as digital ID. Currently, it seems like the primary use of internet blackouts is to quell dissent.

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Published: Aug 16 2024
Interviews Michael Ginsburg Actionable Truth Media Cognitive Warfare Decentralization Web3 Internet Shutdowns Information Control Government

The Ugliness of War and Technocracy

Jun 16 2024 Gabriel

A look at weapons of war in the digital age.

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