Earlier this week, I hastily recorded a video for the substack newsletter to dennounce the astounding behavior by Unjected in response to news breaking of their site being found to have serious vulnerabilities. Instead of informting their users of the risks of their information being vulnerable, the company instead would prefer to downplay and dismiss any concerns and mislead their users about what steps they should take to protect their private information.
I have included the video here for anyone who may like to see an exemplary example of the attitude you DON’T want to see in operators of a site you frequent. It’s important that people learn Lessons from Alt-Tech Failures of the past. It’s highly concerning how various ventures will take people’s values or identity to wear a skin-suit of them for self-serving reasons. Educate your friends and family of the risks of data breaches, and try to choose only online services you can trust, better yet consider self-hosting what you can.
More importantly, don’t let people use the scare tactic of “the government can get everything” to dissuade you from putting in the effort to reinforce your own privacy and security. There are many advantages to even incremental steps that can resolve future problems.