
Libre Solutions Network

Freedom in the digital age


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Serenum: The 'From Scratch' OS Revolution

Jul 08 2024 Gabriel

I had the honor and pleasure to speak with Sam Smith about the new operating system he’s building: Serenum. We had a conversation about what motivated him to build this system, plans for the future, and where this all meets the bigger picture.

Now more than ever, it’s time to seriously look closer at the fundamentals of our technological landscape and Sam has done the hard work of building something that could be the beginning of a solid new foundation to build on. For those who want to really advance their technical skills, it’s a great chance to seize the opportunity to understand computers at a very sophisticated level. Even for the ‘non-wizards’ among us, this project should represent a ray of hope in an otherwise tragically bleak technological landscape.

What is Digital Autonomy?

May 28 2024 Gabriel

When Big Brother Has All The Cards…

It is clear to many that modern digital society includes at best trading away one’s private life in exchange for fleeting novelty and convenience. At worst, we’ve industrialized profiting off people’s self-destructive traits to infantilize humanity mentally, socially, and even spiritually. These troubles have been long in the works, with minor exchanges here and there, but now the situation is dire and escalating.

Introducing Gitnuro

May 23 2024 Gabriel

Many hands make light work. This is the essence behind the idea of Operation: Beehive which outlines how people can use various software collaboration tools for non-technical uses. Git by it’s nature is an offline-first collaborative tool, this perfectly models what the optimal offline/online balance should be for many activities.

To maintain our digital autonomy, it’s crucial to find ways to collaborate without being locked behind cloud platforms or locked-in services. This requires working in completely different ways than how Big Tech has trained people to collaborate within their digital walls. In scouring the net for research and ideas, I stumbled on Gitnuro which is described as a “A FOSS Git multi-platform client for newbies and pros.