
Libre Solutions Network

Freedom in the digital age


Join Gabriel & Liam Sturgess in a discussion taking a look at the video Canada Fell Behind on Digital ID by Canadian Civil. The video contrasts Canada’s government log-in systems against Australia’s RealMe single sign-on, making the argument that Canada should make changes. This video, presents an opportunity to learn from advocates for strong Digital ID systems, and to refine our understanding of the merits and pitfalls of that position.

Take the opportunity to watch our response to Canadian Civil’s video. You’ll likely be surprised about how much you can learn by listening to fierce advocates on ’the other side’ on this issue and others. It is far better to be equipped with awareness of your opposition’s arguments, rather than to be disarmed by ignorance. We’ll encounter some of the very strong arguments behind changing the way Canada currently does things, but also our concerns about how that change may take place.


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Due to many technical issues during recording unfortunately the production quality is not as desired. Some cleanup was done, but my apologies for the overall visual quality.


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Published: May 05 2024
Tags: Government Digital ID Liam Sturgess Privacy Technocracy Canada

The Coordinated Attack on Cyberspace

Apr 13 2023 Gabriel

For tyrants and dissidents alike, the Covid Crisis was a defining moment in the history of censorship. Top-down information control leapt out of the shadows into an overt campaign of propaganda, suppression and manipulation. One of the defining aspects of the crisis is that it exemplified an arms race between those who want complete top-down control, and those who would dare to seek their own path.

Despite the best efforts of Big Tech corporations, governments and NGOs, people who took a stand against creeping totalitarianism were able to meet, organize, and share information. Tenuous alliances were formed, dissidents from all walks of life made new allies, forging bonds with people they wouldn’t have otherwise known.

Digital ID: The basics

Sep 02 2022 Gabriel

101: What is Digital ID?

The rise of technocratic control has justifiably motivated people into taking action and resist the foundational tools of the technocracy. Many of these tools are well positioned to leverage any form of digital ID against you. What forms can Digital ID take?

Any and all of these can be used in such a system. There isn’t a specific need to use exclusively and only those. Mass surveillance (online and outside) can make anonymity entirely difficult to outright impossible. This has incredible implications for all kinds of interactions; instead of you getting to choose who (or what) you identify yourself to, you are automatically identified to the system and quite possibly everyone else around you.

Tools of the Technocracy: #4 Online Identity

Mar 22 2022 Gabriel

Tools of the Technocracy: #4 Online Identity

There are some good reasons to attach your identity to online interactions, there are just as many (if not more) good reasons not to. It is important to understand how your actions ripple across the Internet and wider data-landscape. One of the greatest challenges in keeping your data secure is the fact that the Internet almost never forgets. It’s so difficult to be aware of all the data-points that have built over time.

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