
Libre Solutions Network

Freedom in the digital age


I spoke with Demi Pietchell from The Starfire Codes to learn from her experience as someone with a long career in online media. We touch on many ongoing concerns such as community dynamics, censorship, the loss of coherence online, and even how that impacts artistic and intellectual creatives.

The Digital Autonomy And The Arts Series includes an open invitation for discussing how our digital experience impacts our lives. Beyond simply exploring arts & tech, I would be happy to explore other domains as well. If you’re interested in exploring this discussion, consider getting in touch to share how your passion connects with, or is impacted by technology.


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Published: Jul 10 2024
Tags: Digital Autonomy Series Digital Autonomy & the Arts Writing Anonymity Censorship Interviews Remoralization Media Operation: Chorus The Starfire Codes

Digital Autonomy & The Arts with Hunter Stabler

Feb 18 2024 Gabriel

Thrilled to have had an excellent conversation with Hunter Stabler about digital autonomy and the arts. We spoke about many different topics, ranging from Free Software, community, and the broader impact of social media. It was a pleasure to connect with somebody who’s taken many steps towards reclaiming their digital autonomy, and has such incredible talent.

You can take a look at Hunter’s creations on his Pixelfed.

Digital Autonomy & The Arts with Anne Gibbons

Jan 12 2024 Gabriel

I’m pleased to have had the opportunity to discuss Digital Autonomy & The Arts with Anne Gibbons. Anne is a courageous cartoonist and an inspiration to those who want to learn to make their mark on the canvas of history. We discuss the unique challenges that impact our lives at the cross-section of digital autonomy and artistic expression. I really appreciated having a discussion with a creative and passionate voice with such a wealth of experience.

Digital Autonomy & The Arts with Margaret Anna Alice, Visceral Adventure & Liam Sturgess

Dec 13 2023 Gabriel

In what has become my most ambitious media project yet, I had the pleasure of hosting a conversation with people I look up to as among my personal heroes. The Digital Autonomy Series is now one of my favorite projects as it allows the Libre Solutions Network to truly start to live up to its name.

Visceral Adventure

I got to know Tonika through Operation Uplift. Her open mind, kindness, and drive are huge inspiration. I was absolutely blown away by how succinctly she summarized my primary motivation in writing The Tools of the Technocracy.

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