Never before has our ability to build complicated systems been such a threat to our very being. Social manipulation, media addiction, and many other problems lead people to want to disconnect entirely, or capitulate in despair. Many of us know better, and want to share a better digital future with others. Bringing that into being requires more than just using the right tools yourself, or having the perfect setup.

It is incredibly important our journey to reclaim digital autonomy isn’t taken on alone. Getting others involved is a fun and engaging way to actually strengthen your community online and offline. The answer is to learn, create, and share together with others. These days, people are almost begging for reasons to leave cyberspace behind and bond with each other in person.

In just a little less than two months, you have time to prepare what you want to share with others for Software Freedom Day on September 21st. Maybe you’d like to organize a get-together, or instead merely get drinks with some friends to talk about your digital experience. Whatever you choose, there is tons of opportunity in sharing the software freedom with others. This is an excellent chance to rekindle a world-wide movement for digital freedoms, and reconnect with each other.

Resurrecting Software Freedom Day - LibrePlanet 2024 Source

What is ‘Software Freedom’?

Software that is free allows you to inspect it’s source code, make your own modifications, and share it with (or without your changes) with others. Ideally, this means that our software can be more transparent, personal, and flexible. There is a vast array of Free Software available, with over 6000 projects listed on the free software directory. The free software movement has grown significantly in no small part due to warning about many of our current day struggles as early as four decades ago. Software freedom is about more than just software licenses, it’s a mission to reclaim control over your machines and ultimately, your entire digital experience.

That mission is about more than just our individual experience, but also about withdrawing consent from consolidated top-down control systems. By supporting the digital autonomy of others, you’re helping throw a wrench in the gears of the technocratic machine. The less data and control flowing to corporations (or dictated by governments) the more people can expect their systems to be transparent, efficient, and reliable. The fact that a great deal of Free as in Freedom software also happens to be free as in low cost is a great win for accessibility.

Helpful Resources for Software Freedom Day

The Digital Freedom Foundation

The Digital Freedom Foundation is a non-profit that aims “to empower all people to freely connect, create and share in a digital world that is participatory, transparent, and sustainable.” It’s the go-to resource for organizing, or discovering local digital freedom events.

Event Date Description
Software Freedom Day September 21st Software Freedom Day is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software. It provides a wonderful way to increase awareness and educate others about the value of Free, Libre and Open Source Software.
Hardware Freedom Day April 19th Hardware Freedom Day celebrates the benefits of Open Hardware and Open Hardware design initiatives. Imagine what we could do if medical and technical hardware was inexpensive and accessible for manufacture for everyone needing these tools.
Document Freedom Day March 26th Document Freedom Day is an international event to celebrate and raise awareness of Open Standards. Without Open Standards how can we successfully communicate, share knowledge and scientific discoveries?

Hopefully you can get connected with others through these events, or manage to run your own! Change really starts when we get together to share our passions, knowledge, and experiences. There has never been a better time to get people engaged on the wide variety of issues caused by our reliance on Big Tech, or state encroachments on cyberspace.

Of course, you’re always welcome to use the Internet as a last resort!
Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, or creative work for Free Software Day however you can.

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Published: Jul 24 2024
Events Remoralization Software Freedom Day

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