### Transcription > Good morning John McAfee here > I am dissed constantly for using *Gmail* as my email system > let me explain something to you > if you think you have any privacy whatsoever with an encrypted system whether it's an email system like protonmail or an encrypted messaging system like signal you have no fucking privacy > encryption was designed 35 years ago to prevent a man in the middle attack > meaning someone between your transmission and your receipt > there's no man in the middle anymore! we don't need them > your fucking smartphone is the surveillance device preferred by every government on the fucking planet > do you know how easy it is to plant malware? >Go on pornhub, if you've been on pornhub someone is now listen[ing] to you. > all you have to do is do a drive-by of a website and it sets the "download unauthorized applications flag", the first click and you now have malware that is doing two things: > watching your inputs before they're encrypted and transmitting them and reading the outputs after they are fucking [de]crypted people > encryption is a worthless piece of shit old technology that is being marketed as a safe system. > there is no safety anymore, there is no privacy > I use gmail for one reason > the last company that requires a fucking subpoena from a government in order to give them your information, and their lawyers have 30 fucking days to review the subpoena > 30 days is enough for me, I change my email every 15 days > wake up people, you have no more privacy > you are being sold a fucking bill of goods which is worthless with encryption > and thank you for listening